...and it's for you if you:
- Worry about whether or not you’re a good enough mum/partner/friend/person
- Have lost your sense of humour and don’t know how to have fun anymore
- Don’t know how to set or maintain your boundaries without everyone ignoring you
- Can’t leave the house without leaving a million lists and checking everybody knows how to survive without you
- Can hear yourself moaning and sniping but don’t know how to stop
- Play the good girl and don’t like to rock the boat or cause a fuss
- Feel a bit silly, like you don’t know what you’re doing and wish somebody would just come and rescue you

Because it’s not actually YOU, the real you doing all of this, but the archetypes, or the parts of you that live in your subconscious and make up who you are.
And we ALL have these archetypes…it’s just that they play out in our subconscious, controlling what we think, say and do without us really knowing anything about it...UNLESS we bring the unconscious into into the conscious, the shadows into the light and instead consciously choose to control them rather than letting them run the show..
Think of it like a bus full of passengers…you’re the bus, the archetypes are the passengers.
At the moment they’re all running amok, fighting each other for the wheel with no sign of a conductor or any sense of direction. They’re literally running your life and driving the bus for you until you feel like you're going mad.
Imagine instead that YOU took back the keys, YOU took back the wheel.
Imagine instead that you learned how each of these archetypes operates, when they tend to come out to play and why, how to work WITH them, how to learn from their messages and how to draw on their good points instead of succumbing to their entirely unhelpful points so that:
- You were able to stand tall at work or in conversation with the mother in law
- You were able to trust your loved ones enough to manage without you
- You had inner confidence and strength instead of feeling scared or silly
- You could relax enough to play, to have fun and to make more space for JOY
- You knew how to ask for what you need, were able to accept help and felt strong enough to say NO
- You were able to stop yourself before snapping at the kids or the other half
- And you felt able to take time for you and rest without feeling guilty
How would that feel?
Effing MAJESTICAL that’s how.
And that’s exactly what you’re going to learn when you join me inside Maiden to Majesty, a 10 month immersive deep dive into the archetypes of Maiden, Mother & Majesty. A 10 month journey of self mastery on all levels...body, mind, heart & soul.

Across our 10 months together you will learn:
What archetypes are and where they come from
The difference between ‘shadow’ and ‘illuminated’ behaviours & thought patterns
Which ones get triggered by what situations and how to spot when & why they’ve taken control of the bus
How to communicate with & satisfy each of the archetypes so that when they show up you can learn what they're here to show you and give them what they need to move on
The times, people and places where and when you usually succumb to shadow archetype behaviour
AND what to do about it by learning how to invoke & embody more illuminated behaviour and thinking using my bespoke ISIS framework
Each archetype is linked with a season, we will start in Autumn with Majesty as she holds the key to successfully embodying the others.
We will then spend the winter practicing being with her before moving on to Maiden in spring and Mother energy in summer.
There will be a combination of:
Private Telegram community circle space because you don't have to do this all by yourself
Bite sized audio drops so you can listen when suits you and not on a strict timetable
Live embodiment & somatic practice calls so this stuff doesn't just stay as knowledge in your head
EFT & breathwork to release the stuck shadows
Ongoing coaching to help you apply it in real time
Journaling, meditations & playlists for each archetype to support your journey
Call times and audio drop timings are tbc and will vary. Everything will be recorded with lifetime access. Breathwork calls are likely to be in the evenings UK time.
About Your Host
I'm Emma, mum to one crazy, adorable wildling, open-water swimming lover, total positive psychology geek and owner of Courage & Chamomile (purveyors of transformational coaching for mums since 2016).
I've been working with archetypes for several years and it has taught me SO much about how we operate.
Why certain things seem to scare us for no logical reason, why we get so angry so quickly sometimes, why we can slip into resentment or blaming and why we can be SO resistant to letting loose and having fun even though we'd dearly love to.
I'm so excited to bring this archetype work to so many more mothers who find themselves moaning more than they want to, having a lot less fun than they'd like and wishing for once that somebody would actually listen to them or see them.
I've had to break some patterns and out of some boxes to take back my power, reclaim my courage and re-ignite my JOY, and working with archetypes have been a HUGE part of that journey...
...and now I'm here to help you go on that journey too.

Our journey will take on different flavours as we work with each archetype in turn...

Our Majesty work will include:
Boundaries; finding & using your voice; values vs distractions; courage & confidence; power, presence & poise; radiators & drains; dedication & devotion; leadership & vision; self honouring vs self sabotage; non-attachment; ownership & responsibility.

Our Mother work will include:
Reparenting ourselves; shadow work; abundance; connection & compassion; the martyr mother; the good mother conditioning; co-dependency; space holding; unconditional love & judgement; birthing & nurturing; stop pause breathe; transitions.
Plus you will learn my signature ISIS somatic practice to identify, satisfy, shift & embody each of the archetypes as you need them putting YOU firmly in the driver's seat of your own life.
Or in other words, you will learn how to climb out of the damsel in distress box the world wants you in.
You will learn to take back the reins and the REIGN to your own goodness to gracious life and in the process learn how to lighten up and live a little, have more fun, take more control, stand up for yourself and truly feel like the QUEEN you are...
and NOT the doormat or scared little girl you’ve convinced yourself you are, until now.
So if you’re ready to #motherthef*ckup and do this, I’ll see you there!
Exchange for the full 10 month program:*
or 12 x £ £100
PLUS bonuses
Or read on for other options
PLUS, to supplement your journey you will also receive:
👑 The Shadow Work class
👑 2 x inner child classes
👑 Abundance & Self Worth class
👑The Self Love workbook
AND the first 5 people to join us this week will experience a powerful 4 day group intensive (over WhatsApp) with personalised support from Emma to kick start your journey to INVINCIBLE
If the full 10 month program isn't for you right now...

Access the foundational teachings only
If you're just starting your archetype journey and would like to purchase lifetime access to the foundational teachings from invisible to INVINCIBLE before taking this work any deeper, this is for you.

Join us for the Majesty Module only
If you're not ready to commit to the whole Maiden to Majesty journey but know this work is what you need to finally break some of those disempowering patterns now, then join us for MAJESTY this autumn/winter

Go VIP with me
OR, if you're ready to go deep, really excavate those shadows and make this the mother of all years, add 2 days/week 1:1 WhatsApp with me for your entire Maiden to Majesty journey and get ready for your fully embodied transformation to Majestical AF