A deeply held, transformative, 12 month journey for midlife mothers to slow the f*ck down, mother the f*ck up and emerge unapologetically - more alive, more free, more present, and more at home in yourself than ever before.

Step Inside
This isn’t just another program.

It’s a revolution. A reclamation. A love letter to the parts of you that have been silenced for too long

This is a rebellion.

Because the truth is, as mothers, we've been set up to fail. In a world that doesn't understand or value us or our children, with rules we never consciously agreed to, that were never designed with us in mind and certainly don't have our best interests at heart.

You’ve spent years trying to do it ‘right’ - to be the good girl, the perfect mother. And when you didn’t fit, you thought maybe you were the problem. You weren’t. You never were.

The problem isn’t you.

It’s the model you were told to fit into...

The model that teaches you to feel guilt, shame and not-enoughness.

The model that teaches you to silence and bite down your frustration, resentment and rage.

The model that says you should enjoy every minute, toe the line, tick all the boxes and please all the people  To power through your periods, push through peri-menopause and ignore your bodily wisdom

The model that glorifies achievement over being, productivity over presence, mind over matter, knowing over feeling.

The model that separates us and encourages us to operate in a silo, away from other women and mothers.

The model that's had you believing that you're to blame. That you're broken.

The model that undervalues the mother. That undervalues YOU... until you do too.

That model? It’s why you feel like you’re failing even when you’re doing everything right. It’s why you feel exhausted but can’t stop. It’s why you’ve spent years keeping it all together, but inside, something still aches.


That model? Is a f*cking cage.

And you were never meant to live inside it.

But breaking free doesn’t mean proving yourself, pushing harder, or holding it all together at any cost.

It means stepping back. Softening. Releasing. Letting go of everything that isn’t you, so that you can finally reclaim everything that is.

It means unbecoming, and becoming anew.

And Chrysalis is here to hold you through that becoming.
I'm ready

But before you can become, you need to breathe

Before you can rise, you have to unravel, 

Before you can rebuild, you need to pause.

A Chrysalis isn’t just a place of change—it’s a place of dissolution. A sacred pause. A space where you don’t have to perform, strive, or prove yourself. Where you get to stop holding everything together for once and let yourself soften. Let yourself not know. Let yourself be held.

This isn’t about forcing some big transformation overnight.

It’s about giving yourself the space to breathe, to get real about where you are right now...

...so that when you do emerge, it’s not as some polished-up, ‘better’ version of you that you think you need to show up as, but as the truest, most unapologetic version of who you already were, before the world convinced you otherwise.

"I’m so much softer now." Sarita, SEND mum shared. "Everything felt so hard before, and I was hardening to get through it—but actually, that made it feel worse.

Now I can hold myself. I can soften, and everything feels so much more easeful. So much has shifted."

And the thing is, this isn't even just about you...

This conditioning is embedded in our collective consciousness, passed down through generations. 

Every shift you make in yourself sends ripples outward—through your children, your relationships, your work, your community.

Our children don’t need to see us twist ourselves into smaller and smaller boxes just to fit into a world that was never built for us.

They don’t need to watch us sacrifice ourselves at the altar of expectations, dimming our light to make everyone else comfortable.

They need us to build them a new world.

A world where they grow up seeing mothers who stand tall in their truth. Who don’t apologize for their boundaries. Who choose themselves without guilt.

Because when you break free, you don’t just transform your own life - you help dissolve outdated collective paradigms. 

You become the change we’ve been waiting for.

And it starts now...

I didn’t want my small life anymore. I didn’t want to shrink. And I wouldn’t have had the courage to step up without Emma’s hands at my back and this community holding me.

Now I’m standing up as a speaker, as an advocate, as a voice for those who don’t have one. We’ve moved our family to the seaside—a dream I never thought was possible.

But it was. And I can’t imagine where I’d be if I hadn’t chosen this space.”
— Helen, ND Advocate, Speaker, author and ND mother

I'm ready for Chrysalis

Step inside a space that is both powerful and soft...

Where you'll finally get to:
  • Reclaim and trust your own instinct and inner wisdom, instead of second-guessing yourself at every turn

  • Align with your natural rhythms and cycles, rather than forcing yourself into someone else's timeline

  • Live, create and make choices from your heart and soul, rather than from a place of 'shoulds' and external pressure

  • Lead from your truth, not out of fear or obligation or a need to keep the peace

  • Discern between what's truly yours and what you've simply inherited from society, family, or past conditioning

  • Stand unwavering in your own decisions, even when others don’t understand them or you

  • Recognise the power of your voice as part of a larger chorus of change.

And I know that might feel impossible right now.

Because for so long, you've been told you're too much. Or not enough. That if you just tried harder, did more, held it all together, then maybe you'd feel okay.

But deep down, you know that isn't the truth.

That restless, untamed part of you that's been buried far too long?  She’s stirring. She’s done settling.  She's done waiting...

THAT is the version of you I see.  THAT is the version of you I'm calling forward now.

Not the polite, good-girl version of you living her 'tick box' life on the surface. Not the self that got splintered into mum-me, work-me, partner-me and is sick of this shape-shifting to meet everybody else's needs.

I see the woman beneath it all. The one whose ancient wisdom is calling her back. The one whose true essence is buried beneath the layers of expectations. The one who looks like she has it all together, but deep down feels the disconnect growing stronger.

I see the powerhouse you are beneath all those masks you wear. The one who's:

  • - Moving so fast you've lost connection to your own intuition, your body, your dreams, yourself
  • - Done with biting your tongue, swallowing your needs, and contorting yourself to keep the peace
  • - Yearning to swap the crushing weight of obligation for the freedom to feel fully alive - but caught between that longing and the fear of letting others down
  • - Running on empty while carrying the invisible mental load of your household, career, and relationships
  • - Ready for profound change but unsure of the next step - needing someone who can both challenge AND hold you through it

    This is your space, and your moment.
If that resonates, you’re invited to join The Chrysalis

Welcome to Chrysalis - where your whole, magnificent self belongs.

"I'm showing up in the world bolder and brighter," shares Lynn. "I love that all of me is welcome here. I haven't had to join a parenting course and a business mastermind and this that and the other thing...I can bring ALL of me to this space."
  • Here, you're supported by someone who:

  •  - Sees what you can't see yet and reflects it back with fierce love
  • - Creates safety for you to feel what needs to be felt
  • - Challenges you to rise while holding space for all your human-ness
  • - Meets you in both your deep contemplation and your spiralling chaos—without ever trying to fix you
  • - Guides real transformation without toxic positivity or sugarcoating

  • Because this deep work of becoming isn't something you should have to do alone when you're:

  • - Carrying the invisible mental load of an entire household while trying to run a business or maintain your career
  • - Navigating the endless fuckloop of EHCP admin, caring for elderly relatives and advocating for your neurodivergent children (while probably being neurodivergent yourself)
  • - Making thousands of micro-decisions daily while also trying to manage everyone else's big feelings
  • - Suppressing your needs, your wants, your instincts, just to keep things running smoothly
  • - Feeling the weight of centuries of feminine conditioning crushing your spirit
"I had been in Emma's world for a while," shares Sarita, "and never thought I needed more than reading her posts and enjoying her freebies. Then something in me shifted and I finally admitted I WANT more from my life, hell I DESERVE more from my life!"

...and so do you.

Inside Chrysalis, you'll find the level of support usually reserved for high-end 1:1 coaching, but inside a powerful, accessible space:

  • Daily coaching inside intimate spaces where transformation happens in real time- woven into your life, not just another thing on your to-do list (with different levels of support depending on your membership)
  • A rich treasury of tools  spanning somatic practices, mindset work, and spiritual wisdom, without the fluff, the performative nonsense, or the ‘floaty white dress on the moors’ version of spirituality. This is the kind of real, down-to-earth magic that meets you exactly where you are - probably covered in remnants of this morning’s smoothie with a child yelling somewhere in the background
  • Deep, real community - women who get it, who see you, who champion your becoming, who catch you when the world tries to drag you back into old patterns
  • Support that moves with you, flexing to meet you exactly where you are rather than forcing you into another rigid structure you really don't need
  • A space where you get to bring ALL of who you are - no more compartmentalising, no more shape-shifting to fit in
"Life has slowed down from the perpetual panic and constant demands," shares Karen. "I find little spaces in my day that allow me to reset, to check my priorities and question my motivation. I am finding myself better able to climb out of the river and sit on the bank. I am easier on myself and the people around me."

Chrysalis calls to you if:

  • You’re a midlife mum (perimeno anyone?) who seems to have it all together on paper on the outside but the insides tell a different story
  • You'd love to give yourself permission to slow the f*ck down - to rest, to reconnect, to experience pleasure without guilt
  • You’re ready to mother the f*ck up - not by pushing harder, but by learning to advocate for yourself just as fiercely as you do for your kids
  • You long for safe, open, deeply nourishing relationships, where you can speak your truth without hiding, without walking on eggshells
  • You want to look back on your life and think YES, I squeezed every drop of joy out of it - happier, bolder, and more alive - AND modelling that for your children in the process

🚫This Space Isn't For You If:

  • You’re looking for quick fixes or surface-level solutions
  • You’re not ready to question everything you’ve been taught
  • You’d rather stay comfortable than create real change
  • You want transformation without doing the work
  • You’d rather keep telling yourself “it’s just a phase” than admit that something has to change
  • You’re looking for a guru, not a guide. Someone to hand you the sugar-coated answers instead of handing you back your own power
  • Deep down, you already know you’re going to do nothing with this

Right now you might be feeling like...


You’re holding everything together with sheer force, like if you stop for even a second, everything will fall apart.

Maybe you’ve spent so long performing competence, you don’t know what real rest feels like anymore. Maybe the thought of pausing feels terrifying- because who picks up the slack if you let go?

But it’s not just the slowing down that’s scary, is it?

It’s also the what ifs.

  • What if this actually works… and I’m not ready for what that means?
  • What if I realise my whole life is built on things I never truly chose?
  • What if I change too much, outgrow things, outgrow people?
  • What if I open the floodgates and everything I’ve held back comes rushing in?
  • What if I suddenly want to burn it all down and run off to join the circus?

But the biggest what if?

What if you do nothing?

What if nothing changes? What if you wake up a year from now, still waiting for the ‘right time,’ still holding everything together, still carrying the weight of what’s not working, because making a move felt too big, too unknown, too risky?

Because let’s be honest, not choosing is still a choice. And it’s the one that keeps everything exactly as it

And let me be clear… this isn’t about tearing everything down.

It’s not about quitting your job, leaving your partner, and moving to a yurt in the woods (unless you want to, must admit that sounds quite nice...). It’s about opening your eyes to the insidious, everyday crap you’ve been tolerating for far too long - and realising that even the tiniest shifts in how you show up, what you allow, what you accommodate, and how you BE can create the deepest and most lasting impact.

Because the truth is, transformation isn’t one big, dramatic act. It’s the little things. The tiny, powerful ways you start choosing yourself, reclaiming space, and living on your own terms - without blowing up your life to do it.

"Emma has blown upon the embers of my own magic, lighting the way like a beacon while gently, firmly, kindly encouraging me to keep moving. To keep burning. Showing me that I could and would be the one to save myself." Shared Charlotte, ND mum, home educator, writer, podcaster and photographer

And in Chrysalis, something shifts...


For the first time, you don’t have to hold it all together alone.

Instead of bracing yourself to keep everything afloat, you step into a space where it’s safe to exhale. Safe to slow down. Safe to set the weight down, bit by bit, knowing you’ll be held through it all.

You don’t have to force the unravelling. It happens gently, in its own time. And as it does, you start to realise: you are still whole, even when you’re not holding everything up.

And that shift? It starts with noticing: 

  • Noticing the moments you shrink yourself
  • Noticing the ways you silence your needs
  • Noticing the tiny, everyday choices that shape the way you live

And as you start noticing,  you start questioning:

  • Questioning the rules you’ve followed without realizing
  • Questioning the expectations you’ve carried that were never yours to begin with

And then you start choosing:

  • Choosing what stays
  • Choosing what goes
  • Choosing what actually feels good and true for you

Because when you start noticing, questioning and choosing...That’s where everything changes.

"I’ve started a love affair with myself in the most intimate, touching way. The support from another human with such great insight & potency has allowed me to release even more and it feels like actual magic and alchemy."
Leah, mother and entrepreneur


You could wake up a year from now feeling more alive, more YOU, more free than you’ve ever felt before…

Or, you could wake up and realise nothing has changed...

The same doubts, the same frustrations, the same questions - except now, they come with the quiet knowing that you had a choice, to choose YOU.

And you chose not to take it.

So you’re still waiting. Waiting for the right moment. Waiting to feel ready. Waiting for something, for someone...

But lovely that someone is YOU and there IS no ‘right time’. There never has been. The only time any of us ever have is now.

And if nothing shifts? If you keep waiting, keep pushing through, keep putting yourself last?

The real cost isn’t just time.  It’s the slow fade of the parts of you that once felt undeniable. The slow erosion of your joy, your voice, your sense of self.

The number one regret of the dying isn’t about working harder, pleasing more people or having a fuckton more money. It’s this:

"I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the one others expected of me."

Tara knew this feeling well:

"Emma knew I needed this before I did.  I took absolutely YEARS to finally pluck up the courage to invest in myself and dive in. Thank God I took the plunge because this has been the best thing I have ever done, not only for myself but also for my relationships and my little people. I let myself be held and guided to go there and the shift has happened... a real tangible shift and there is a real sense of moving into authenticity, peace and growth. I wish I'd done it sooner."

And if we don’t shift this? We don’t just carry it, we pass it on.

Our children don’t need to inherit our burnout, our self-sacrifice, our silence.
They need to see us stand tall in our truth.
They need to know that choosing yourself isn’t selfish, it’s liberation.

This isn’t just about you. It’s about changing what’s possible for the next generation.

So, what are you waiting for?

Here's what happens when you say yes:

Imagine the scene ...

One year from now, as you emerge from your Chrysalis
  • - You wake up feeling wildly alive, moving through your day making quick, confident decisions - no self-doubt, no second-guessing, no over-explaining
  • - You look in the mirror and finally see her - not the woman you were told to be, but the woman you fought to reclaim. She’s always been there, but now you don’t just see her...you're in love with her
  • - When an argument brews, you no longer shrink or appease. You stand firm, knowing it’s not your job to keep the peace at the cost of your own truth. That anxious tension in your chest? Gone
  • - Your small person is struggling with massive feelings and melting down as you're trying to leave the house. But YOU are their port in the storm, steady, unshaken - because you've learned to meet your own storms first
  • - Your family pressures you to just be nice or keep the peace - but this time, your voice rings with truth as you speak up without guilt, hold your boundaries without apology, and finally feel at home in your own skin
  • - Your relationships feel easier, safer, more real. You’re no longer editing yourself to fit someone else’s expectations, and you finally feel free to be fully seen
  • - That restless, anxious hum in the background of your life? Gone. The armour you built to survive? Dissolving. In its place? A deep, unshakable knowing that you are exactly where you’re meant to be

And through it all, there’s a deep, undeniable power running through your bones - the kind that doesn’t come from pushing harder, but from having met yourself fully, in all your depths, and knowing you will never abandon yourself again.

🔥 Let’s make that your reality.

Enter the Chrysalis

"I'm no longer squashing my feelings," shares Sadie. "I'm not angry anymore.  I've stopped drinking.  I've found exercise I enjoy doing. I've set boundaries at work, created better balance at home, and started writing my book - something I've always wanted to do.  I'm so pleased with how I'm showing up with the kids now too...trusting and listening to myself rather than trying to read advice everywhere else   I believe now that my dreams can become reality, and I'm making steps toward them. I couldn't live like I was before, but I can definitely live like this."

I’m not going to promise that joining Chrysalis will flip your life upside down overnight.

I won’t guarantee the dream job, the passion-filled marriage, children who magically tidy their rooms, or a full AF bank account.

But here’s what I do know: when you step into this space, shifts happen.

Deep, resonant shifts. The kind that start with finding your voice and end up changing how you move through every part of your life.

Because when you reconnect with yourself:

✨ You might just realise you’re worthy of that job upgrade - and go after it with newfound courage.
🔥 You could find that nurturing connection with yourself leads to deeper, more passionate relationships.
⚡ You may start advocating for your dreams in ways that open doors you didn’t even know were there.

No promises. No guarantees. Just the truth that when you finally see yourself clearly, you’ll be ready to make your next move.

And this? It isn’t just about you.

Every woman who reclaims her truth creates a path for others to follow.
Every mother who breaks free from conditioning shows her children a new way of being.

We don’t just change our own lives, we shift the status quo.
And the only way we do that? By BECOMING the change we want to see.

"The money I spent on The Chrysalis has saved me SO MUCH on comfort eating, comfort spending and generally trying to cope by myself.

It's also saved me from feeling like I was losing my mind entirely and doubting all my friendships. The safe group gives me access to really high-level coaching without spending the huge amount of money it would require to have that 1:1.

So it's saved me money, saved my sanity, allowed me to preserve my friendships because I’m not taking my sh*t outside to project onto other people. I’m showing up in the world bolder and brighter. I’m giving people the real me rather than editing myself."


Yes, I can hear what you're thinking...

"Are you mad!?...
  • "I don't have time for anything else once I've finished juggling the children and work, wrestling with EHCP forms, and fending off endless emails. It's just not the right time for me."

  •  "I've already done so many programs and courses, bought all the self-help books... but nothing actually changes."

  •  "And anyway, I'm fine really... everything looks good on paper (even though I can feel that niggling sense of discontent deep down inside that I can't quite put my finger on)."

I get it. Life is full. But that’s exactly why this matters. Because your joy, your peace, your sense of self? They’re not extras. They’re everything

You've already proven you can hold it all together. Now it's time to put that fierce power into remembering who the f*ck you truly are beneath all that holding.

Because really, you're not here just to hold space for everyone else - you're here to reclaim yours.


Just like I did...

I know this path intimately...because I’ve walked it myself.

A few years ago, I felt trapped in a life that looked amazing on the outside but felt hollow within.

Despite being intelligent, headstrong, and often very opinionated, I found my voice, my wisdom, and my needs dismissed and silenced - by doctors, teachers, “experts,” even my own family.

And motherhood? It amplified everything. Like being lost on steroids, except now with the added guilt of not “enjoying every moment” when it seemed like everyone else had it all figured out.

Until I realised three truths that changed everything:

1️⃣ I had spent my entire adult life trying to make sense of who I was beyond my roles and relationships.
Always trying to do “the right thing,” please the right people, make myself smaller to fit in. I abandoned myself to avoid being abandoned by others.

But now I had a child to care for, how could I teach them to stand in their truth when I was completely absent from my own life?

2️⃣ This wasn’t just about me.
I saw the same patterns in women everywhere. This wasn’t personal failure, it was systemic conditioning, designed to keep us small, keep us silent.

3️⃣ Nobody was coming to rescue me.
If I wanted things to change, I had to choose it myself. And that’s exactly what I did.

And that’s exactly why I created Chrysalis.

Not just a space, but a crucible for transformation. A place where women don’t just reclaim their power, they live it.

Today, I bring everything I’ve learned...the fire and the fierce love, the depth and the unwavering holding...to help you strip away conditioning, break old cycles, and come home to your own raw, unshakable truth.


This isn't just another program...


We’re not here to throw quick-fix tools at you and hope something sticks.
We’re not here to add more ‘stuff’ to your head, your shopping list, or your to-do list.

We’re here to create lasting, meaningful change.

Through carefully crafted frameworks, moon-aligned gatherings, and deeply immersive support, Chrysalis isn’t a course, a curriculum, or another thing to keep up with.

This is a living, breathing space, one that moves with you.

Each month, we follow the natural cycles of the moon, gathering in Wisdom Circles to explore a central theme, whether it’s shadow work, pleasure, courage, self-worth, rewriting your story, abundance, your inner child, HERstory…

✨ At the Full Moon, we gather to reflect, integrate, and move, through somatic practices, dance, breath, and music.
🌘 As the moon wanes, we release what no longer serves, through EFT, The Holding Calls, and deep processing.
🌑 At the New Moon, we turn inward, through journaling, reflection, and the kind of stillness that allows truth to rise.

We dive deep. Together.

And no matter where we go, one thing remains true:

🔥 This space meets you exactly where you are.

“For several years, I was lost.....I didn't really know who I was or where I was heading. I was grumpy, shouty and didn't much like myself.

Then I found Emma. And wow..... what an eye-opening that was. I realised things didn't have to be that way anymore, that there was joy to be had and that the power to shift my mindset and to take hold of my own future was in my hands.

But I knew that within 10 days I would forget what I'd learnt and go back to being bored and lifeless. Which is why I joined ... A whole year of support, encouragement and learning is exactly what I needed to help break unhelpful habits and form new ones.... ones I would be proud of, not ashamed of.

The support of my group is just amazing: like-minded women guiding and holding each other up. That in itself is worth any investment, then to learn so much through the circles, the readings, the recordings as well... any doubt I had about investing in myself is well and truly gone.

I am worth investing in, I deserve it!

I can't wait to see what the next year (and beyond!) brings me!”
— Gillian, working mum

And it's a 12 month journey for a reason...

Because real change doesn't happen overnight.

We live in a world obsessed with speed - quick results, fast hacks, overnight transformation.

But deep, embodied change takes time.

Chrysalis is built to hold you through that slow, intentional unfolding.

You’ll have space to:

  • Integrate what you’re learning - not just intellectually, but in your body, your choices, your daily life
  • Practice and experiment safely before taking the leap in the outside world
  • Come back to yourself, again and again - without pressure, without rushing
  • Build unshakable trust in yourself and your path - because real transformation isn’t linear, but it is inevitable

This isn’t a one-and-done transformation.

This is a devotion to your becoming.


This is the Alchemy of Becoming™️ 

And it's not something you force. It’s something you allow.

It’s an unravelling. A remembering. A return.

This is the deep, slow magic of shedding what was never yours, so you can reclaim everything that is...

As Kayleigh shared...

“My mindset now is totally different. I actively look after myself and communicate my needs more clearly. My relationship with my daughter is SO much better and I’m parenting my children has changed drastically. I’m finding myself again and making my dreams a reality.”

And that reclamation? It doesn't just happen in your mind, it happens in your life...


Because real transformation isn’t just about understanding something, it’s about living it.

It’s in the daily, subtle, sometimes messy and uncomfortable work of unlearning, reclaiming, rebuilding, and embodying change.

That’s why inside Chrysalis, we don’t just talk about transformation...we live it.

And we do that through three core forces that work together:

Together, these forces create The Becoming Formula for Transformation and Empowerment:

These aren't just three separate frameworks, this is the holy trinity of Becoming:

🔥 Without MOTHER, you stay small.
🌿 Without SLOW, you burn out.
🌀 Without BECOME, you stay caged.

🔥 MOTHER burns away what no longer serves.
🌿 SLOW soothes and sustains you through the fire.
🌀 BECOME is what rises from the ashes.

And inside Chrysalis? You don't have to choose - you get it all.

So what happens inside?


Transformation isn’t a straight line, it’s a cycle.

For too long, we’ve learned that life happens in straight lines, always striving, always achieving, always doing.

But real, embodied change doesn’t happen like that.

It happens in rhythms. In expansion and contraction. In moments of action and moments of reflection. In spirals and cycles of becoming.

That’s why each month inside Chrysalis is designed in four distinct phases to move with the natural cycles of the moon.

This ensures you have time to awaken, deepen, release, and expand on your own natural timeline, so that what you’re learning doesn’t just make sense in your mind, but actually lands in your life.

⬇ Click each phase to see how this journey unfolds in real time.

And between the live calls? Even more magic...

Live calls are powerful, but transformation happens in the spaces between.

That’s why inside Chrysalis, you’re not just left to figure it all out on your own—you have daily, real-time support inside our private Mothership Telegram Lounge.

This isn’t just one big chaotic group chat—it’s a carefully curated ecosystem of support, designed to meet you exactly where you are.

🧠 ND & Peri-Meno Chat Spaces → A place where you don’t have to explain yourself—because we already get it.
🕳️ The Shame Drain → Offload the sh*t that’s been weighing you down, without fear of judgment.
🎉 Toot-Toot Celebration Lounge → Because we are done with minimizing ourselves. Your wins deserve to be seen.
🔥 Raging & Ranting Room → For the days when it’s all too much and you need to let it out. No toxic positivity, just real, raw space to be.
💰 Discounts & Special Offers → Exclusive access to members-only pricing on 1:1s, workshops, and future programs.
🌀 The Mothermind Discussion Thread → To deepen conversations, integrate insights, and explore what’s coming up for you.
🌈 Everyday Joy, Recipes, & Random Chit-Chat → Because connection isn’t just about the deep work—it’s about the in-between moments, too.
🧹 Declutter Club & ☔ The Grief Garden → Space to release, process, and let go—mentally, emotionally, physically.
🌙 Lunar & Astro Weather Updates → So you can work with the energy instead of feeling like it’s working against you.
⚡ Accountability & Intention Setting Threads → When you need a little fire under you.
📚 The Book Club → Because obviously.

💡 Whatever you need, there’s a space for it. And if there isn’t? We’ll make it happen.

And as well as all that, you also get…

Alongside the core rhythm of the Chrysalis cycle and The Mothership, you’ll also have access to:

📚 The Vault → A treasure trove of past workshops, guest teachings, and deep-dive trainings, covering everything from shadow work to self-worth, archetypes to abundance, inner child healing to HERstory, and so much more.

💬 Daily Coaching & Community Support → Your private coaching chat space, where you can bring your thoughts, challenges, and wins in real time—and get support every single day.

📅 Weekly Coaching Calls → Not because you have to come every week—but because you’ll always have a space to drop in, get live support, and be coached in real time whenever you need it.

💛 Weekly Slow the F*ck Down Club → Start your week with a 20-minute reset using breathwork, somatics, and mindfulness to ground your nervous system, regulate stress, and move into your week feeling steady, centred, and clear.

⚡Weekly Mother the F*ck Up & Get Sh*t Done Club → A dedicated hour of focused, silent body doubling to tackle the life admin, forms, decluttering, and mental load tasks you’ve been avoiding—while being held in powerful accountability and momentum. No excuses, no distractions, just getting sh*t done🚀

💰 Money Majesty Calls → Monthly sessions with our resident Money Queen, helping you shift deep-rooted money stories, step into financial sovereignty, and rewrite your wealth identity.

✍🏻Seasonal Writing Circles → A deep, nourishing space to unravel your thoughts, tell your story, meet yourself on the page, and explore your creativity—without rules, without pressure, and with plenty of joy.

🌙 RISE:  Lunar Living Framework → My signature guide to living in alignment with your own natural rhythms.

📖 The Embodied Conscious Curation (ECC) Process → The framework that takes your inner work and turns it into tangible, real-life change.

📝 Journaling Resources & Self-Inquiry Prompts → A huge collection of tools to help you integrate, reflect, and deepen your journey. 

✨ In other words, there’s more inside Chrysalis than you’ll ever need - because this isn’t just a program, it’s an entire ecosystem of support.

💡 This is never about keeping up, or ticking everything off. It’s about having the exact support, tools, and resources you need, exactly when you need them.

Some months, you might be deep in live calls and coaching.
Other months, you might dip into The Vault for a past session that speaks to you.
Some weeks, you might be immersed in the group chat, and other weeks, you might be moving quietly through your own process.

Everything is here for you - but only ever on your terms.

This is a space that meets you exactly where you are, every step of the way.

💸 "Ok, So How Much Is This Going to Cost Me?!"

Great question! And, let’s be real - you’ve probably been wondering this since the top of the page.

Sadie's husband certainly was...but at the end of her year she asked him "would you rather have the money and the old me back, or keep the new me...He said you could definitely keep the money and he'd keep the new me!"

And if you're anything like her, you’re not here for just another program.

You’re here because you already know what staying the same is costing you:
→ Another year of pushing through, holding it all together, waiting for the “right time” that never comes.
→ Another year of just getting through it instead of actually living it.
→ Another year of putting yourself last while telling yourself it’s fine.

This isn’t about spending money. It’s about investing in a reality where you’re no longer just surviving—you’re fully alive, fully YOU.

That’s why Chrysalis isn’t one-size-fits-all.

You get to choose your level of support, depth, and transformation—whether you want the foundational community experience, deep coaching and transformation, or full-scale personal expansion.

⬇ Here’s how it works.


Choose your own adventure...

Every level of Chrysalis includes:

✔️Full access to The Mothership community & Telegram spaces - with dedicated rooms for everything from celebrations to rants to deep processing

✔️The Vault - your personal treasure trove of on demand workshops & resources covering shadow work, self-worth, abundance, archetypes, HERstory & more from both our in house and guest teachers.  You can take a sneak peak at what's included here.

How deep you go is yours to decide. Pick the level of support that calls to you...

(Full Transformation & Unlimited Support)

For those who want it ALL - deep immersion, unlimited coaching and a space to be fully seen, held and called forward.

✔ All calls, all live sessions, full Mothership access.
✔ High-touch WhatsApp pod: real-time, in-the-moment coaching.
✔ Max 10 spots per round - this is intimate, powerful, and deep

💰 £255/month or £2999 pay in full 

Apply now*
(Personalized Support & Small Group Coaching)


For those who want deeper support without full immersion.

✔ Full Mothership access + The Vault.
✔ Monthly coaching calls + Full Moon Sessions.
✔ 2x WhatsApp Coaching Days per month—drop in, get coached, shift fast.

⚡ Like office hours, but way more powerful.

💰 £99/month or £999 pay in full

Join Believe Here
(The Foundation)

For those who want the core Chrysalis experience - community, wisdom and deep support (without going it alone).

✔ Full Mothership access & Telegram spaces
✔ The Vault: on-demand workshops & resources
✔ Full Moon Sessions -rituals, embodiment & self-celebration
✔ Monthly Community Coaching Call

💰 £44/month or £444 pay in full

Join Belong here

*BECOME is an intimate, high-touch container with limited spaces (max 10 women per round) and so to ensure the integrity of the group enrolment is on an application/invitation basis.  Once you click apply no you'll be taken to a quick form to fill in and then I will be in touch with next steps. I'm excited to read your application x

"Before joining BECOME, I was emotionally and mentally on my knees, looking desperately around for a saviour.

Emma got me thinking that perhaps I could save myself.

I have two young children and a busy wider family, and the noise and activity around me was overwhelming. I was lost in a sea of other people's opinions, plans, and expectations. The phrase I often used to describe it was that I didn’t know which way was up!

BECOME has given me focus, taught me how to listen to my instincts, and look after myself. I’m learning to trust my feelings more, and I’m excited to be able to see a path ahead, rather than just a dark storm.

My relationship with my husband is so much more aligned and open, and I love how I’m showing up for myself at work too.

I wish I’d found this much earlier, and I love my WhatsApp pod… We may have never met, but they are my strength and support at times when I really need it.

Women aren’t designed to be isolated from each other, and I’ll be forever grateful to have these women in my life right now."
— Fliss, freelance mum

Wondering which level of support fits you best?

Here’s a quick breakdown of what’s inside each one, so you can choose what feels right:


🔥 Everything You Could Ever Need Is Here… And Yet, It’s Still Okay to Want More

Chrysalis gives you deep, powerful support.

The community? Unshakable.
The coaching? Transformative.
The space to be seen, challenged, and held? It’s all here.

And you already know you want it all...and more.

More time - to focus entirely on YOU, with someone fully in it with you.
More depth - to move through your biggest edges, in a space that’s fully yours.
More powerful, personal coaching - where we cut through the noise, get to the root, and move exactly how you need to, exactly when it works for you.

That’s why I hold 5 spaces per year for women who want to go beyond the community container and step into full, high-touch, 1:1 support with me alongside their Chrysalis journey.


📩 Email at [email protected], or WhatsAspp me here if you already know in your wild, untamed bones that one of these spaces is yours, and I'll take you exactly where you've been craving to go.

Let's do this.

“If you ask me what’s changed after a year in BECOME, my gut wants to say EVERYTHING!

✔️I’m more present with my son.
✔️I communicate better with my partner.
✔️I’ve learned to listen to what my head is telling me and from there work out what is actually MY truth.
✔️My entire life has been spent people-pleasing and being so traumatised by everybody. I now stand up for myself and don’t apologise for myself.

The community & friendships in this safe space have allowed me to say whatever I needed to say in that moment and have someone on the other end who gets it and gets ME which means the actual world.

I’m learning how to manifest who the f*ck I’m meant to be and I really like her!

I’m no longer asking for permission.”

Jules, ND mum

Meet your host...

Hey! I’m Emma—F-bomb loving, squirrel-obsessed, positive psychology geek, teacher, NLP Practitioner, Mindfulness mentor, and founder of Courage & Chamomile (purveyors of transformational coaching for mums since 2016).

Oh, and I’m also a married mum to one crazy, gorgeous, neuro-spicy wildling—so trust me, I get it.

If you’re into such things:

  • I’m an ENFP
    🔥 Aries Sun (firestarter, catalyst, won’t let you hide)
    🌊 Cancer Moon (deep feeler, intuitive, holds you through it)
    ⚖️ Libra Rising (justice-seeker, truth-teller, balance-bringer)
    🦄 Reflector in Human Design—which means I see what you can’t see. I hold up a mirror to the patterns, blind spots, and truths running the show—so you can break free from them instead of just running in circles.

A few years ago, I stopped living by the boring, fusty ‘shoulds’ and decided to do life on MY terms. Now, when I’m not flinging myself into cold rivers, dancing round my loft, or hanging out in shepherd’s huts by the beach with my son, I’m using my signature "erm, are you actually in my head!?" coaching to help you:

⚡ Slow the f*ck down—so you can actually hear yourself again.
🔥 Mother the f*ck up—so you can advocate for yourself and live unapologetically.
✨ Believe in & BECOME your fullest, most vibrant self—beyond just ‘mummy.’

Because life isn’t something to be endured. It’s meant to be ENJOYED.

And inside Chrysalis, you’ll learn how to do just that.

Step inside the Chrysalis

Got Questions? 

See if they're answered below and if not you can email me at hello@courageandchamomile or ping me a WhatsApp here

You’ve spent your whole life holding it all together.
Pushing through. Figuring it out alone.

That ends here.


It’s time to be held, seen, and supported in a way you’ve never allowed yourself before.
To stop carrying it all alone.
To choose you.

🔥 Step inside Chrysalis. You already know it’s yours.
As Seen In