Invisible to INVINCIBLE
Imagine living your life as the fully empowered, sovereign woman you actually ARE, rather than the scared little girl or burnt out martyr you've been showing up as by default.


Imagine how much power, courage and JOY you could reclaim for yourself then?

And imagine just how much more impact, respect, love, connection and compassion you AND your relationships would benefit from as a result...

It's time to stop imagining, and to make THAT your reality.
I'm in!
So much of our work as women and mothers goes unseen. 



Our voices go unheard, our feelings go unnoticed, our deeds go unappreciated, our minds are underutilised.

and we sure as hell don't have enough fun.

We have become invisible.

But my gosh could we be INVINCIBLE if we owned it for ourselves instead of buying into the people pleasing  Disney princess nonsense or the perfect mother martyr myth
If that resonates, you're going to want to join this free masterclass so you can step into this reality:


  • ☎ Your mother in law phones to tell you what's happening this weekend and you calmly but firmly tell her those plans don't work for you, before putting the phone down knowing you've held your boundaries AND kept the peace 😇

  • đŸ€© Your little ones bound in excitedly asking you to play with them and you eagerly agree, cavorting into the water fight shrieking with laughter, knowing dinner can wait đŸ‘đŸ»
  • 👑 You walk into a meeting with your little one’s teacher feeling strong and sure of yourself, knowing exactly what you want to say and confident to say itÂ đŸ‘ŒđŸ»Â 

  • 💛You lovingly and compassionately sit and hold your small person having big feelings until they’re calm enough to speak,  easily enduring the shrieking that would previously have grated your nervous system to shreds

  • 📧 That email from the boss / letter from the bank lands in your inbox and the world doesn’t implode as you imagine the worse, retreating into the shadows to hide from it all
because you are a grown ass sovereign woman and not a scared little girl now 😎
And out of this one:


  • You wish you didn't care more about the house staying tidy and dinner being on time than whether anybody’s face hurts from laughing all day, but you can't help it

  • You never leave the house without laying out everyone's clothes, prepping all the food, leaving a 5 mile list of instructions and texting every few minutes to check they're all ok
  • You feel like a scared little girl pretending at being a grown up when you have to fill in forms & do financey stuff 

  • You leave the bathroom door ajar when you go to the toilet then yell “can’t I even POO in peace!?” when everyone comes in to ask you stuff 

  • You say no to most of the fun stuff your little ones want to do because it'll make a mess that YOU will have to clean up
OK, OK I hear you, I'm in...
And THAT is what I mean by taking back your power, reclaiming your courage and generating more JOY

you ready?
Here's what you can expect:


I'll be going live every day at 12.30 BST on 25th-28th September inside a private pop up Facebook group.  Monday - Wednesday will be the interactive 'teaching' parts and on Thursday I'll run a live Q&A / coaching session for you to get answers to YOUR specific questions and situation.


An introduction to 'archetypes', aka the 3 secret parts of you that you didn't even know existed and why you’ll want to get to know them now.

HINT: they’re currently running (and in some cases ruining) your life

How to recognise when the 'shadow' aspects of these 3 specific archetypes pull your strings and derail even your best intentions, preventing you from showing up in your power and joy, and why it keeps happening

Learning to listen to and satisfy these 3 archetypes' needs and to work WITH them using my M-powerment process, so we can lead from their 'illuminated' aspects of love, courage and joy, and start showing up as an INVINCIBLE powerhouse rather than an invisible mouse

There will also be a (no obligation) invitation to join us for the full Maiden to Majesty program kicking off soon should you wish to take this work further and deeper than these few days.


Yes please, I'm in

Meet your host...

I'm Emma, mum to one crazy, adorable wildling, open-water swimming lover, total positive psychology geek and owner of Courage & Chamomile (purveyors of transformational coaching for mums since 2016).

I've been working with archetypes in my own life and in my coaching with mums for several years and it has taught me SO much about how we operate.

Why certain things seem to scare us for no logical reason, why we get so angry so quickly sometimes, why we can slip into resentment or blaming behaviours and why we can be SO resistant to letting loose and having fun even though we'd dearly love to.

I'm so excited to bring this archetype work to so many more mothers who find themselves ping-ponging between feeling like a small child and feeling like a miserable old bag.  Moaning more than they want to, having a lot less fun than they'd like and wishing for once that somebody would actually listen to them or see them.

I realised a few years into my motherhood journey that I had become invisible, even to myself. And I had to break some patterns and out of some boxes to do something about it, to take back my power, reclaim my courage and re-ignite my JOY.  Working with these 3 archetypes have been a HUGE part of that journey...

...and now I'm here to help you go on that journey too x
I'm coming on that journey!
It's time to stop standing in the shadows of your own goddamn life.


Take back the reins and go from invisible, to abso-bloomin-lutely INVINCIBLE 
with this 3-part, FREE masterclass 
happening 25th-28th Sept.
I'm in(vincible)!
As Seen In