Hop onboard the Mother of all Memberships
for just £44 today
If you've been trying to 'do the work', move through your stuff, break generational patterns, shrug off patriarchal nonsense and come home to YOU, you'll know how effing hard it can be.
AND that it's EVEN harder when you're trying to do it by yourself, surrounded by people who just don't get it. Or you for that matter.
You're buying all the books (sometimes you even read them), you sign up for the free courses (aaand sometimes you even complete them!), but then off you trot back to your 'real life' and none of it seems to stick...no matter how fired up, inspired & excited you'd been by what you'd learnt at the time.
Or by the time you've done bath & bedtime and blah blah blah you've forgotten what they said on the course anyway.
Which is infuriating AF isn't it!? All those good intentions and you can't even make it happen.
And then you feel worse than when you started.UGH!
So what if, instead of going round and round in circles, banging your head against a brick wall and giving up altogether with this stuff, you had somewhere to come to share, speak, learn, grow, fan those flames and keep those embers burning?
What if you had a place to come to put that enthusiasm, that excitement, passion.
A transformational, empowering space to help you slow the f*ck down AND mother the f*ck up
To share your YOU, your everything?
Without worrying that anyone would laugh at your new red trousers (if you know, you know!)
Without everyone around you immediately pissing on your bonfire and expecting you to trudge along exactly how you had been before?
What if , instead of wasting time whirling round and round by yourself,
You just joined the Mothership?
“Having a space to stay focused, feed off the energy of others and a place to keep learning and growing with likeminded people is such a great place to be. Monthly coaching calls are a beautiful place to get support and also realise you are not alone (and I always get something out of other people's coaching). Having an online membership portal with all the videos to access whenever you want in whatever order that calls to you and to go back and listen again and again is a really useful tool, as each time I listen it hits different or I learn something else about myself. I love being able to buy in to further resources too if I want.”
- Ginette
The Mothership...because sailing against the patriarchal current alone is lonely AF

“The Mothership is perfect for that little bit more of Emma’s world that I found I was craving and in need of after the Jumpstart. The online content is amazing - loads to access and reflect on! The community spaces and coaching calls offer a sense of the sisterhood village and are a great place to share thoughts or off load as well as an amazing opportunity to connect with other mothers and reaffirm that we are not alone. There is gentle advice and coaching offered and lots to take away. It’s been a great investment, very much recommend.”
- Claire
As mothers we've been conditioned to spend our entire lives, time and energy on our children, on our work, our relationships, until there’s nothing left for us.
We’ve been led to believe that wanting anything more, anything for US is greedy, selfish and wrong.
It’s not wrong.
What’s wrong is the model we’ve been trying to fit into.
The model that teaches us to feel guilt and shame when we don’t quite fit the ‘good girl / perfect mother’ mould.
The model that teaches us to silence the frustration, resentment and rage we feel as a result.
The model where we’re expected to enjoy every minute, to be happy with our lot and never want for anything more. To toe the line, to tick all the boxes, please all the people and hold our tongue. To power through our periods and ignore our bodily wisdom. The model that glorifies doing and achieving over being and feeling.
The model that separates us and encourages us to operate in a silo, away from other women.
The model that’s had us believing that we’re to blame. That we’re broken.
The model based on the masculine, that undervalues the mother.
This model, is a cage.

“I feel seen, energised, my feelings were normalised not vilainised. I found a place I belonged”
- Jenny

“Wow! An awakening! A thousand light bulbs going off all at once!”
- Helen

“I can’t thank you enough for all the awesomeness. This should be standard government issue for all mothers! SO helpful”
- Hannah
The Mothership exists so you no longer have to do this alone. So we can come together and rattle that cage so much more powerfully than any of us can alone.
It’s a space to support each other as we shed the years and years of conditioning and programming that has been keeping us small and stuck.
A space to celebrate each other as we learn and grow towards our own authentic, aligned wholeness.
A place to sustain the excitement, the passion.
A place to share the highs and the lows.
To stay focused on your own personal growth.
To feed off the collective energy.
To keep learning, and growing together.
Because when one rises, we all rise.
Your membership includes:
The Mothership private Telegram lounge...literally the best, most supportive, inspiring and empowering place on the interweb, with threads for everything you could ever possibly need on your journey
A powerful monthly Community Coaching Call with Emma where we will circle together as a collective to break patterns and rewrite the stories holding you back
Access to the 'Wisdom Vault' full of classes and workshops on things like activating your inner majesty, slaying your inner critic, living in tune with your cycle and achieving balance PLUS a new session added every month
Monthly Full Moon Parties where we focus on gratitude, celebration and intuitive movement
5 Transformational Breathwork Sessions across the year
Access to The Embodied Conscious Curation System so you can mindfully dream up the direction you’d like your life to take and then start intentionally living it
Weekly lunar phase prompts to help you align your plan and your dreams into reality
There's a reason we refer to it as the MOTHER of all memberships!
When you choose to board The Mothership you don’t just choose to belong to the Mother of all Memberships, you choose to become part of a movement
A movement that says:
I am no longer available for being squashed into boxes
I am no longer willing to corroborate the patriarchal f*ckery that keeps me feeling small and sh*tty
I am ready to open up, stand up and speak up
I am excited to be part of a paradigm shift in the way the world views and values mothers and motherhood
I am here to be the model, not the martyr, to give other mothers permission to do the same and to create a tidal wave of positive impact and change for mothers and children everywhere

“They say it takes a village to raise a family and I feel like I have found mine in The Mothership. A wonderful bunch of ladies who are always there with support and advice or just to cheer you on. I have found so much value in the wisdom circle replays and love the group coaching, its so reassuring to know that you are not alone with your worries and troubles. I am loving the joyful confident goddess I am becoming amongst such a warm and loving group of ladies and am excited to reach for the stars with the help of Emma and The Mothership.”
- Siobhan
The Mothership is boarding now and you're invited.
There are two ways to join the Mothership:
Pay monthly at £44 / month with no monthly commitment AND the option to either cancel any time OR pause your membership for a maximum of 3 months
Pay for a full year for £444 (giving you just about 2 months free)
NB: whichever option you choose your subscription will autorenew unless you cancel it
Meet your host...
I'm Emma, mum to one crazy wildling and owner of Courage & Chamomile (purveyors of transformational coaching for mums since 2016).
Since breaking free from my own cage (of society’s expectations of me), I’ve been passionate about empowering other mums, like you, to do the same…
… to believe in and become your FULL and unapologetic self, beyond the identity of ‘mum’…
… and to consciously curate the passionate, exciting and fulfilling life you desire and deserve
… and in doing so, set a powerful example for your children.